BPDB Admit Card 2023 & circular- bpdb.teletalk.com.bd-BPDB Security Guard admit card

BPDB Admit Card 2023 has been publish here. Today we are going to discuss about the circular and all other details. Already all people of Bangladesh has known to the job circular of Bangladesh power development board. So if you are a candidate for this job then you have to know all the information of the circular. Also you can get this job circular and all information of this job admit card everything. So read this post properly and get your all information about Bangladesh power development board security guard job.

BPDB Admit Card 2023

Under the Bangladesh Electricity Development Board, applications are invited from the genuine citizens of Bangladesh on the following terms and conditions online on the official website for the purpose of providing employment on temporary basis to the below mentioned posts under the revenue diet to pay the salary scale and allowances advertised under the Bangladesh Electricity Development Board. Direct application will not be accepted except online.

Candidates who are willing to apply for the security guard post can collect the information regarding application rules and circular PDF from here. So let’s know the job eligibility and how many posts are going to be applied against. And detailed information on how to apply. If you read the entire post carefully then you will get all the detailed information related to the circular from here and can apply for the admit card and application.

(Bangladesh power development board) BPDB circular 2023

Department name: Bangladesh power development board
Job type:  government
Post name: security guard
Post number: 464
selary scale grade 20
salary 8,250-20,010/-
Online application start date : 25 July 2023
Online application end date: 7 August 20203
Admit card link or date:
Exam result:

Everyone will get this job type and information in one look in the table. So if you want to know more information of this then you have to follow the below instruction. Because there are published more rules of the examination and circular also qualification and other information. So know about it.

Bangladesh power development board security guard circular or qualification

The candidate must fulfill certain qualifications to apply for the post. What are those qualifications? Qualifications are the specific qualifications mentioned in the circular. Today we will present here all the detailed information related to the qualification.

  • Candidate must have passed minimum 8th standard or honors examination.
  • In case of male candidates the height should be minimum 5 feet 4 inches
  • Height should be minimum 5 feet 2 inches in case of female candidates.
  • In case of men, chest size should be 32 inches to 34 inches.
  • Chest size for women (not applicable)
  • Must be in good health.

Electricity Development Board Memorandum No. 27.11.0000.210.63.001 dated 11 4 2023. 22-26 Candidates who have already applied against the recruitment circular issued in original are not required to apply again.

(BPDB ) power development board security guard job qualification & Security Guard admit card

According to the information given in the circular, the age limit for the post of security guard should be 18 to 30 years on 17/423. However, in the case of freedom fighters’ daughters and disabled persons, 32 years are eligible for CIT. Also jobs in Govt/Semi Govt/Autonomous/Semi Autonomous Organizations must take appropriate authority approval.

Candidates need not send any documents initially. Candidates who pass the written test will be called for the oral test. At that time, one set of certified copies of original documents must be submitted in support of the information mentioned in the application. Subject to verifying the accuracy of the submitted documents, they will be allowed to participate in the oral examination.

Online application filling and examination fee submission start date time 25-07-2023 from 10 AM.Last date and time for submission of online application is 7th August 2023 till 5 PM.

BPDB online application circular or admit card

This is so easy to apply in online any job. If you want to apply for the government job then you can do it. Today we will discuss about the application of applying the job. You have to follow some rules of application. And you have to take some document which will you need when you apply in online. So if you want to apply in online then you follow this rules.

  •  And first go to the application website
  • bpdb.teletalk.com.bd click here
  • Now we will get a application option
  • Click on apply now button
  • Now select post name
  • And go to the next page
  • Provide your all information about yourself
  • Now provide your education qualification
  • Select captcha code and click on submit button
  • Upload your picture and signature
  • And take mark on the agree button on and submit your application.

BPDB (Bangladesh power development board) Security Guard admit card 2023

If you apply your application in online. Then you can get your admit card this way. So if you want to get your admit card from official website now you can do that. For that you have to follow us. Because we have published here all information about circular and admit card. Everyone will get there admit card information and circular information of this job. So follow this instruction.

BPDB Admit Card 2023

  • At first go to the admit card website
  • bpdb.teletalk.com.bd admit card
  • Now click on the admit card option
  • Provide your user ID
  • Now give your password
  • Click on the submit button
  • Your admit card will be displayed on the screen.
  • Now print out to copies of this admit card.

Admit Card

If anyone follow this rules then he can get their admit card from home. So if you are a candidate of this job examination you have to check your admit card for this way. If you get your admit card to follow this rules then share this post with your other friend. And stay with our site to get all job information. This article is only for the examination candidate because the examination will organised 10 November 2023. Sir it is the high time collect the admit card. So collect your admit card follow the above instructions. We can say that you will get your all information from this website. Also if you want to know the more details than you can inform us by comment. I will try to give your answer.